Cosplayer: Miss Mandy Motionless
Photographer: Illuminated Imagery
Hey everyone, I am currently hell bent on buying my first car!! In order to do that, I need to make some sales. I am working on commissions and I know they are slow going but MIDTERMS!!!! But print sales I can box up and send out within the week. Sorry for the slow commissions but I will have them done ASAP. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and help by supporting me in any way possible.. Anything helps.
Photographer: Illuminated Imagery
Hey everyone, I am currently hell bent on buying my first car!! In order to do that, I need to make some sales. I am working on commissions and I know they are slow going but MIDTERMS!!!! But print sales I can box up and send out within the week. Sorry for the slow commissions but I will have them done ASAP. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and help by supporting me in any way possible.. Anything helps.
Miss Mandy Motionless
Reviewed by For Good Life

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